Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blog Post #2- Managing Your Hypertension

Isabella Herrero
Blog Post #2
Managing Your Hypertension
Bring it down a notch!
Ask Yourself!:
  • How often do You check your blood pressure?
  • Do you know how to measure your own blood pressure?
  • Where can you get your blood pressure measured?
  • How can you reduce hypertension and have a healthier heart?

How Often Do You Check Your Blood Pressure?
  Hypertension is something that often goes on without any recognizable symptoms so it's very important to check your blood pressure regularly if you are at risk for hypertension or have had hypertension in the past. 

     If you've never experienced hypertension or are not at risk for hypertension, then having regular check-ups with your doctor is enough to keep track of your blood pressure over time.  At almost every doctors appointment you'll ever go to, whether its with your family physician, physical therapist, or gastroenterologist, chances are they will always measure your blood pressure.  As long as you measure your blood pressure once every few months that should be plenty as long as your blood pressure is around average each time.  (Remember!: the average healthy blood pressure is 120/80)

     If you have experienced hypertension or are at high risk for hypertension, the more you check your blood pressure, the better.  Measuring blood pressure is quick, easy, and painless!  You can even measure your blood pressure at home.

Do You Know How to Measure your Own Blood Pressure?
   Most often when you have your blood pressure measured at a doctors office, you've probably noticed the nurse use a blood pressure cuff, a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer. (all pictured below)
       Measuring blood pressure is fast and easy! However, it can be a little challenging to manually measure your own blood pressure so ask a family member or friend to do it for you.  The blood pressure kit pictured above can be found online for just $10, making it easy and affordable to take your blood pressure regularly.  
      You can either take your blood pressure manually or get an electronic blood pressure measuring device like this.  You can easily use this device without needing any help from someone else.  These electronic blood pressure measuring devices do tend to be a little more expensive, starting around $40.

Steps to Measure Your Blood Pressure Manually:
1. Wrap the cuff around your arm above your elbow.
2. Place the stethoscope on the inside of your elbow where you can hear a clear pulse.
3. Begin pumping the cuff full of air until you can't hear any more pulse sounds (this is usually at a reading around 160-180mmHG)
4. Slowly allow the blood pressure cuff to deflate. (The slower the better!)
5. When you first hear a pulse sound that is the systolic blood pressure reading (avg. 120)
6. Next listen for the diastolic reading, which is when the pulse goes back to a normal regular beat (avg. 80)

Measuring your Blood Pressure with an Automatic Blood Pressure Device:
Most of these devices are pretty similar and require you to place the cuff correctly on your arm (above the elbow) and then the device does the rest on its own! Easy peasy!

If you don't want to measure your own blood pressure there are plenty of places besides doctor's offices where you can get your blood pressure measured for free!  Some of these include:
-CVS Pharmacy

How to Reduce Hypertension and Have a Healthy Heart:

Maintain a healthy weight 

Maintain a balanced diet

Exercise regularly

  • http://mensbeat.com/healthy-blood-pressure-hypercet/
  • https://www.aliexpress.com/cheap/cheap-blood-pressure-cuff-stethoscope-kit.html
  • https://www.amazon.com/Omron-Pressure-Monitor-Standard-BP742N/dp/B00KPQB2NS/ref=lp_3777151_1_1_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1474390014&sr=1-1
  • http://www.suntechmed.com/blog/entry/4-bp-measurement/42-10-steps-to-accurate-manual-blood-pressure-measurement
  • http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HighBloodPressure/SymptomsDiagnosisMonitoringofHighBloodPressure/How-to-Monitor-and-Record-Your-Blood-Pressure_UCM_303323_Article.jsp#.V-FkAzuxFEc
  • http://www.riversideonline.com/employees/myhealthylifestyle/newsletter/losing-weight.cfm
  • https://valleyleisurelifestyle.wordpress.com/2013/10/14/the-myth-of-superfoods/
  • http://www.ahchealthenews.com/2013/05/07/can-eating-less-salt-really-save-a-half-million-lives/
  • https://childadolescentweightmanagement.wordpress.com/category/child-exercise/
  • http://www.everydayhealth.com/hypertension/preventing.aspx

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